Welcome to Clear Clinic
Based near Maidstone in Kent, Clear Clinic specialises in Electrolysis Hair Removal, Cosmetic Blemish Removal and Waxing treatments.
Clear Clinic Electrolysis provides an inclusive, private, empathetic, educated, and welcoming space for you to begin your path towards a clear-skin and hair-free life.
Unwanted hair can bring many anxieties and I understand the emotionally liberating effect it can have when you are able to live life without constantly worrying about covering certain areas, plucking, shaving or waxing, so the hair removal services I offer can really change the way you live your life.
Electrolysis is the science and technique of removing individual hairs from the face or body by inserting a sterile, fine probe the same diameter as the hair into the natural opening of the hair follicle resulting in permanent hair removal.
Cosmetic Blemish Removal
Many cosmetic blemishes are no longer treated by the NHS such as skin tags, warts, verruca’s, anthelasma, sebaceous keratosis, thread veins and many more. Advanced electrolysis is a safe and effective way to treat these without scarring the skin.
Transgender Hair Removal
Hair removal for gender reassignment surgical preparation by electrolysis, is the only method of permanent hair removal and is approved by the FDA and NHS, It works by destroying each hair follicle individually so that it has no chance of regeneration

Providing you with a safe space
At our beautiful village location in Bearsted, just outside of Maidstone in Kent, we offer our clients free parking and provide a fully inclusive, welcoming, discreet and professional environment.
All your appointments will take place in our soothing office environment within a fully private treatment room.
“Highly recommended. Caroline made me feel at ease straight away and when I saw the results I cried tears of happiness…. Honestly the confidence I now feel over something that seemed so small but was actually a very big deal to me is amazing!! Can’t not wait to take my next journey with Caroline… all booked in for my next procedure.”
— Melissa Kingham
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How To Prepare For Electrolysis
Here are our top tips on how to prepare for your electrolysis session: Choose a qualified and registered electrologist: Before booking your electrolysis session, ensure that you find a properly qualified, regulated, and insured electrologist. This will help to ensure that you receive safe and effective treatment. At Clear Clinic Electrolysis our practitioner Caroline Barrow is educated to level 5 which is the highest Electrolysis qualification available.
The TransCare Electrolysis Centre
Clear Clinic is so happy and proud to launch The TransCare Electrolysis Centre to continue the Electrolysis program, previously offered by The London Transgender Clinic. Many Gender Reassignment Surgery surgeons require Electrolysis to be completed on the donor site, this is the only way to ensure that the area remains hair free post-surgery. Whilst we do offer post-surgery Electrolysis, it can be very difficult to remove hair from internal areas and can also can be the source of mental distress for the client.
Book an appointment or consultation
At Clear Clinic we encourage you to book online with us.
If you have not had Electrolysis before please book in for a consultation or give us a call to discuss your suitability and answer any questions you have, if your an electrolysis veteran then feel free to just make a booking.
If you are interested in blemish removal and you have not seen us previously then you must send us an image by whatsapp on 07526009896 before booking so that we can assess your suitability. Or feel free to give us a call before so that we can discuss what treatment would be best for you.
All treatments require an online consultation form to be completed prior to arrival, this will be sent to you by email.
Clear Clinic’s founder Caroline Barrow is a member of the British Institute of Electrolysis and an NHS and Private healthcare registered treatment provider.